How to Keep Your Office Belongings Safe and Secure

Office Belongings Safety

If you own or run an office, the chances are you are chiefly responsible for the safekeeping of everything stored there. From things your employees leave at their desks to expensive office equipment, you are the one who has to ensure adequate security measures are implemented. There are many ways one can protect an office, including the installation of security lockers cameras, and even 24-hour foot patrols. This post will cover these things and more and provide a definitive guide to protecting your office and the people who work within it.

Best Practices for Securing Your Office Belongings

1. Smart Locker Systems

Professional thieves are not all you need to worry about. Sometimes, it is one’s own employees that steal from them. Smart locker systems will prevent employees or anybody with access to your business’s premises from being able to steal the valuables of fellow employees or company personnel. Investing in a smart office locker system will give your staff somewhere safe to keep their things, i.e., their work laptops, phones, or tablets.

It will also give you somewhere secure to keep money kept on-site, or anything valuable enough for criminals to target it. You can keep smart lockers in your office’s lobby, or alternatively, a dedicated room. Make sure that you conduct extensive online research and find the most robust lockers you can. If criminals are intent on breaking into lockers, they may employ the use of tools. The more secure a locker is, the less likely it is to break when tools are used on it.

2. Security Patrols

Security patrols can be expensive, but they are a worthwhile investment if you want to keep your office safe. It is worth noting, however, that security patrols are only worthwhile if your office is large. Otherwise, you are better off buying an alarm system that is linked to a particular security company. If your alarm is triggered, they will dispatch guards to inspect your business’s premises. A small office isn’t worth hiring patrols for, because patrols can cost more than the mortgage or rent on a small office.

3. CCTV Cameras

CCTV cameras are essential, regardless of your office’s size. The good thing about CCTV cameras is that they are very affordable. You can either have them set up as part of a package from a security firm or buy and install them yourself. One of the best things about CCTV cameras is not how affordable they are though, but that you can monitor them from your phone. Almost all CCTV cameras can be viewed through apps, no matter where you are in the world, which allows you to monitor your office 24 hours a day.

4. Burglar Alarms

Burglar alarms are, like CCTV cameras, an essential investment. If you buy an alarm package from a security firm, if it is ever triggered, the firm will be notified and will dispatch security guards, whilst simultaneously notifying the police. Burglar alarm packages are very affordable and are a mandatory purchase if you want to deter criminals and keep your office safe. Alarms act as a deterrent because criminals are a lot less likely to burgle a business if they know that an alarm is going to be triggered the second they break into or step foot inside your office.

5. Security Fencing

Depending on the size of your office, your business might need security fencing. Security fencing adds an extra layer of protection to your premises and prevents criminals from being able to easily get into it. The downside to security fencing is that it can be expensive, and you often need to own the land your office is on in order to set it up. You cannot just set security fencing up around a rented office space without the approval of the landlord. Then, if you do set security fencing up around your office and you don’t own the land, you will have wasted money if your office ever moves to another site.

6. Biometric Access Locks

Biometric access locks are a worthwhile investment, too. You can use them to keep your office secure and prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access. The use of biometric access locks is worthwhile if you own a large office and your employees work unconventional hours. Biometric access locks can complement security locker systems, too. This is because you can set them up on your lockers to prevent people from accessing other people’s lockers. Biometric access locks are affordable, widely available, and definitely worth buying.

Keeping your office safe should be one of your main priorities. The guidance given here can help you to do just that. Make sure to invest in the different solutions offered in this post, so you can keep criminals and thieves out of your office.

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