Top 6 WordPress Speed Optimization Myths

Top 6 WordPress Speed Optimization Myths

Here in this post, we are going to share some of the top WordPress speed optimization myths with you. Yes, they work to some extent for sure but are not supposed to be the only way of WordPress optimization.

WordPress speed is a ranking factor for search engines confirmed by the google search quality team. You need to make sure the optimization techniques you’re employing must provide fast web page loading to ultimately help you achieve the end goal i.e., giving the best quality user experience.

But how could you know whether a technique is the best or not? There are lots of WordPress speed optimization myths in the market saying best tips and tricks to optimize WordPress speed & performance which all comes down to a question, do they really work? All those guides or tutorials are meant to be created with the purpose of marketing in mind.

1. More WordPress Plugins Slows Site

When starting out on a WordPress website, there are lots of plugins to help you make your website as customized as possible.

Each plugin performs different tasks according to what it offers. However, more plugins can slow your website. Thus, you might be suggested to limit the number of plugins you use.

So, does it mean that more plugins can harm your WordPress performance? Yes and no, absolutely depends on the plugin you are using. Let us provide you with some clarity on this subject.

Uninstall or delete outdated or useless plugins which not serve a useful purpose. A poorly coded plugin can also quickly add extra loading time and may slow your site.

So, to make sure your plugins work fast, using the fastest WordPress plugins that are optimized for speed is the right choice. Moreover, we would recommend you rely on as few plugins as possible because not all of them can serve your required purpose.Must Use CDN

There is a popular saying, quality over quantity. Contemplate your needs before downloading any WordPress plugin. Review and remove the ones that are no longer useful for you.

2. Must Use CDN

Must Use CDN

The content delivery network helps you serve content to the visitors from their closed server. This reduces the latency, the amount of time a server takes to deliver content to the user’s browser.  

As the users are becoming aware of the CDN towards speeding up WordPress sites, a lot of them are only using hosting services that come with CDN.

You need to understand that CDN actually works best as a WordPress optimization solution if your audience is international. However, in case your business reach is small, the CDN might be a waste of money for you. Thus, it is not at all a must need towards optimizing your WordPress speed.

3. Implement All Types of Caching

Caching helps in creating static copies of your web pages to ensure fast rendering whenever someone visits. There are different types of caching to make use of. Database caching, page caching, Memcached are a few of them available to you.

Development experts recommend using all forms of caching. A site without cache tends to load slowly because a server has to go into your database to find and collect all the necessary components.

Then it passes them out to the browser via PHP for your site users every time they visit a particular page.

Static HTML content files created by page caching. This means, your PHP won’t have to regenerate your pages every time someone visits them.

When someone uses page caching on their website, visitors of that website can’t able to access the database. Moreover, page caching sometimes makes caching the database unnecessarily.

In some instances, database caching is considered more effective. For example, dynamic sites or sites where page caching may not realistic.

Bloggers don’t need to worry about database caching. Specific forms of caching operate at the server level. You may be limited if you’re using a managed or shared hosting server because the server’s host is in control. In these cases, installing a page caching plugin can be helpful that is something most site owners do.

4. Caching Plugin Is Everything You Need for Fast Website

A caching plugin is recommended as an ultimate solution to make your website fast. Probably the greatest myth in website speed and performance optimization awareness. Yes, the caching plugin does help in increasing speed score, but it is not the only tool or way to speed up your site.

A WordPress site can be optimized in many different ways. You need to focus on other issues also to fix core web vitals & get high page speed. It includes image size, lazy loading, render-blocking resources, and much more.

You can use W3speedster which provides many features to handle all areas of optimization. As a result, it ensures a high-speed score on Google PageSpeed Insights.

It can definitely fix your core web vitals and essential metrics. Whereas caching plugin is limited to creating static HTML pages and can’t fix common problems such as poor code, and other component issues to improve your site speed and performance.

5. Reducing HTTP Requests Makes Website Faster

WordPress Speed Optimization Myths

Reducing the number of HTTP requests makes the website faster by allowing the server to render the page faster. Yes, it does help in making a site fast to a large extent but the fact is, it little exaggerated and can be considered as a top WordPress speed optimization myths

The process boils down to minification. While doing minification tools take all your CSS files and put them into one larger file called concatenation. That means instead of having 8 CSS files on your site, there is only 1 concatenated HTTP request.

HTTP request reduces as the CSS files are reduced. Thus, it comes to 1 HTTP request instead of 8.

So, does it really leave a great impact on site speed? Probably not, because modern browsers are capable of downloading multiple files at a time. That means, it is efficient for your browser to download several smaller files all at once instead of one large file to be faster for your site.

6. All WordPress themes are Speed Optimized

There are many WordPress themes available but choosing one that is optimized for speed plays a crucial role. Considering every theme fast and speed optimized is another well-known WordPress optimization myth because many popular themes are badly coded, which can affect loading times. Thus, you need to use the fastest WordPress themes since they are speed optimized and promote better performance.

Themes ensure a visually appealing appearance that draws customers’ attention. But if your themes don’t load on time, you are more likely to end up with high bounce rates and fewer conversions.

So, most WordPress owners choose basic themes and high-performance plugins to achieve their desired visual feel and efficiency.

However, most of the code that your site uses is from themes. In case of themes with poorly coding can slow down a WordPress website. Thus, it’s better to choose multipurpose performance-optimized WordPress themes as they allow you to activate the features that you’ll use.

WordPress Speed Optimization Myths

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