Roofing Companies: How They Can Outshine the Competition

tips for roofing companies excellence

Roofing companies never exist in a vacuum. Even in smaller communities, you’ll probably always have at least a little competition, if not lots of it. How can you outshine your competitors, though?

In this article, we’ll talk about ways you can appear more attractive if you’re not getting as many customers as you’d like. You should know about these strategies and how to implement them if you’re not bringing in the same number of new clients as you once did.

Building a Stronger Roofing Brand: Tips for Outshining Competitors

Right Look Into SEO for Your Website

SEO for roofing companies might not seem like an obvious way to bring in some new customers, but it can work in more instances than you’d imagine. Think about this scenario for a moment. You’re in a decent-sized community, and you’re competing with several other roofers. You have a homeowner who feels it’s time they did a total tear-off and installed a new roof. They Google “the best roofers near me.”

That’s when you really need local SEO if you’re going to get this new customer. If your site doesn’t show up near the very top of the search results page on Google, this individual will probably contact a roofing company that appears ahead of yours. Few homeowners scroll down to the second page of Google results. They go with one of the first few options they see unless they’re clearly not what the searcher had in mind.

You can handle the SEO for your roofing company’s website if you know about that sort of thing, or you might also contact an agency or freelancer who does online marketing. They can do some keyword research for you. Optimizing your website copy by including the right keywords will go a long way toward helping your site rank near the top in situations like we just described.

Right Try Some Dynamic PPC Ads

You can also create some PPC ads or hire a marketing agency to do it for you. Pay-per-click ads often generate more business for entities that haven’t found the success they’ve wanted recently.

You can usually talk to an agency that will recommend where you should place your ads. They might mention certain social media platforms, websites, or a search engine like Google.

Once they’ve created some ads you like and put them up in the places you’ve targeted, you will often start to see more site visitors. Once that happens, more sales generally follow.

Right Offer Competitive Prices

When someone finds your website and contacts you, they’ve officially entered your sales funnel. That’s helpful, but now, you must make the sale by offering them a fair price.

Many homeowners find that if they talk to half a dozen different roofers about the same job, they will get six different prices, and they’re sometimes not even close to the same range. You need to set your services at a price where you make money, but you must also set them where customers will agree to them.

Try to find out what others in your area charge. Make sure you are competing with them. If they’re coming in at a much lower price point, you may need to find a way to combat that to get the sales you want. However, you must also do so in a way that does not sacrifice the quality of the work or materials.

Right Offer Friendly Service

Some homeowners feel like contractors have a negative reputation. Some may seem surly or unreliable. You should do all you can to combat those kinds of perceptions.

Instead, provide friendly service that sets a potential customer at ease. Many times, your reputation and prices will matter, but how you approach a homeowner will impact their decision just as much. Do you seem knowledgeable and trustworthy? It often comes down to how you present yourself as much as the job’s cost or similar factors.

If you can master a compelling sales pitch and put any homeowner at ease, that will often bring you more work. Word of mouth should spread, and you’ll become a commodity people know and trust within your geographic region.

Right Cultivate Positive Reviews

When you finish a job, ask for a positive review online. Whenever you get one, make sure to thank the customer online as well.

That will let anyone thinking about using your company know you’re attentive to your reputation in the digital world. It might sound like a small thing, but it can impact public perception more than you’d think.

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