Make Money from the Unlikely: Things You Didn’t Know You Could Sell Online

Things You Didn’t Know You Could Sell Online

When you think of commerce, buying, and selling, you will immediately think of the usual merchandise, clothing brands, tech stuff, and so on, and that is normal, of course. There is a surprising amount of stuff that you would never even consider selling or making money from, but as the saying goes, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, and this is no less true in the digital world. So, here is a list of things you most probably had no idea would make any money.

Things You Didn’t Know You Could Sell Online

Right Old Video Games

Do you still have those old video games from your childhood sitting in a box somewhere? You would think that there is no way anyone would want them, especially when you have so many new games constantly being churned out in a digital space too, but that is not the case. There is a buyer right at TheOldSchoolGameVault.Com, where you can make some extra cash selling your old video games that you certainly will not be playing anymore. But even in general, there are so many old-school and retro video game fans just scouring the internet for old games in good, playable condition; some go way, way back and make their own arcade room out of some nostalgia or love for the 80s.

Right Empty Jars

Yes, empty jars, that you would usually just chuck into the trash, you can sell them online. People use them for all sorts of different purposes, like food storage, arts and crafts, and even wedding decorations, to name but a few, so there is a real market for them. A collection of clean, empty jars can net you between $2 and $20, or thereabouts, and you can potentially get even more for jars that have interesting shapes or a large number of matching jars.

Right Old Clothes

This one probably will not come as such a big surprise to you, but it is still worth mentioning, so if your wardrobe is full of clothes you never wear anymore or that do not fit you but are still in good condition, try looking for sites or apps to sell them online. Vintage or branded clothes are the easiest to sell, as they have quality and a brand name to make them attractive, but other items can still bag you decent money. Just make sure they look presentable, take good photos, and make sure you write accurate descriptions.

Right Hair

This one is definitely one of the weirder ones, but you can sell your hair and make some serious money too. You will need to have long, healthy hair, of course, to make the biggest profit, so maintenance and looking after it should be your priority. It is also probably best to find a buyer before you head to the barber to get your haircut, as some companies will not accept hair that is not freshly cut. Again, there are a variety of things people buy hair for, like making wigs and such.

Right Broken Phones

Broken phones and electrical devices can turn a profit for you too. While it may not be worth anything to you anymore, there are plenty of people willing to buy broken electrical appliances and devices, either for scrap and parts or to repair them and then sell them. You can sell faulty or broken electronics for anything from $5 to potentially hundreds of dollars, so it is a great idea to check out some listings to see whether there is a market for your broken electronics. Keep in mind that old phones, not even broken, are also worth selling if you do not use them anymore, like after you have upgraded to a new phone. You can sell them all over the place, from online sites to electronic or phone stores on practically every corner.

Right Egg Cartons

Yes, you can sell egg cartons too, and to a surprising amount of people, as they can be used for more things than just protecting eggs, as it turns out. Kids and adults use them in arts and crafts projects, or gardeners can use them to grow seeds, as a sort of low-cost potting method, and they can be utilized for Christmas decorations or feeding birds. Egg cartons will not bring in much cash, of course, and you will normally need quite a few of them before any buyer is interested, but still, even some cash is better than nothing and just throwing them into the trash.

The list of things you can sell is almost endless, so take a look around your home for any of the items mentioned here. Who knows, you might earn a little from selling them.

Right Read More: Tips And Tricks For Boosting Online Sales

Right Read More: Purchasing or Selling a Business Practical Real-World Tips to Implement

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