What Makes a Good Informative Essay? 9 Key Elements for Perfection

What Makes a Good Informative Essay - 9 Key Elements for Perfection

An informative essay is a powerful tool individuals use to communicate their arguments, opinions, and thoughts. Essays require careful use of basic elements for coherent and structured expression of thoughts. Moreover, an informative essay is the most common form of writing, where students analyse the topic from different standpoints.

Students demonstrate interesting or surprising facts and details about the subject in their academic papers, which are used for educational purposes. Examiners expect students to write something new and valuable in their papers. Therefore, writing a coherent paper is a difficult task. It requires deep research, accurate planning, and execution to write an essay that helps you get good grades.

In this article, we will discuss some pivotal components that make a good informative essay that will stand out from the rest. Continue reading this guide to impress your examiners with your outstanding work.

How to Write an Informative Essay? 9 Key Elements for Perfection

When it comes to academic writing, particular essentials make the difference between an average and an outstanding one. To write a perfect essay, students need to understand these elements and how they can integrate them into their writing. In the struggle to write a magnificent assignment, some students isolate themselves or become frustrated. For those who struggle, getting essay writing help from professional service providers can be your saviour, saving both your health and grades.

1. Take up Authenticity

Choosing the perspective or topic that is accordant with who you truly are is more important than any other thought. Readers can easily detect when you are inauthentic. By being inauthentic, we mean using rhetorical language, which is mostly suitable for copywriting only. No one uses this overly flowery language in daily conversation.

Selecting an insignificant topic for your informative essay that does not resonate with you also demonstrates inauthenticity. No matter what topic you choose, you need to ensure it’s something you are interested in, not some topic you choose just to impress the readers. In an effort to outstand other essays, if you end up choosing a difficult topic, you might face difficulties in covering it and, as a result, being authentic.

2. Take Hold of Reader from the Start

Use an attention grabber in the first sentence of your writing to lay hold of your reader. The purpose of a hook in the beginning is to persuade the reader that your essay is worth reading. Readers might think of something outside the world, and your writing has to grab their attention and make them focus on your work.

Therefore, you need to start the opening paragraph with a shocking fact, a question, a bold statement or a thoughtful quote. Starting your informative essay with a powerful sentence can set the tone for your writing, keeping up the same tone in your entire academic paper will make your essay more powerful.

3. Focus on Deeper Themes

Describing the facts in your write-up paper might be helpful, but focusing on deeper themes will do the rest and make your work more thought-provoking. Deep themes add cover of meaning and compel the readers to consider the vast implications of your topic. To make your writing more polished and more connected to the readers both emotionally and intellectually, you can explore themes like:

  • Social issues
  • Human rights
  • Gender discrimination
  • Obesity
  • Personal growth

This perfective alters your academic paper from a simple piece of writing into a more compact and impressive write-up paper. If you are unable to cover the deeper themes in your informative essay comprehensively, don’t risk your assignment and acquire cheap essay writing services from a reputed platform, where experts can dive deeper into the complex themes.

4. Try Doing Something Different

Many people are afraid to try something new; maybe this is the fear of failing, and it might give them anxiety. But at the same time, trying something new can be another way to make your paper outperform others. While other students might be writing about “how to get rid of street criminals“, you can write about “circumstances that cause street criminals“.

If you are a talented student with exceptional writing skills, you might keep the reader engaged by writing an informative essay that answers a question to the very last line. To play smarter, instead of staying away from common themes like a synopsis of personal experiences, you can take a new approach to tackle them.

5. Write With the Reader in Mind

If you know what your reader wants to read, you can do wonders. It is important to put yourself in the shoes of the reader. When you don’t write what you want to read yourself, nobody else will read your piece of work either. Your writing must have a clear and coherent argument while keeping a natural flow of thoughts. To keep the flow of the text, you can use transitions between sentences and paragraphs.

Secondly, try not to miss out on important information, and include only those ideas that align with your selected theme. To write with the reader’s mind, you can incorporate the Q&A technique. When you read a text, some questions constantly arise in readers’ subconscious. The Question-and-Answer technique requires you to answer those questions immediately when they come into the mind of the reader. If the reader is not getting those answers, he might lose interest.

6. Write Several Drafts

When you start writing your assignment as early as possible, you get the time to write multiple drafts. Writing multiple drafts will enable you to write down every single thought that comes to your mind. Often, while writing, we set aside many thoughts, believing they are not relevant. If we write them down, too, we might draw some relevance in them later. Every thought that comes to our mind while writing our informative essay is valuable.

Although we use terms like first draft or third draft, there is no limit set for the number of drafts. After you write multiple drafts, set your write-up paper aside for a few days. After you forget what you wrote in your document, you are ready to read your drafts with fresh eyes. During those days, you might explore a new perspective on the topic based on the information gathered in the research process. This helps you do mass revisions until you feel your informative essay is complete.

7. Don’t Repeat

Avoid repetitions! It is important not to repeat information, ideas, opinions, or even words that have already been discussed. This may frustrate the reader, and he might end up quitting to read your work. The purpose of an informative essay is to provide new information or information with a new perspective that provides something valuable.

8. Add a Kicker in the End

A kicker, a powerful line or paragraph at the end of your essay that concludes your argument like a verdict which, like your favourite perfume, leaves a lasting impression and impresses the reader of your argument.

9. Ask Others to Read Your Essay

When we read someone else’s work, our inner critical thinking comes out. Proofreading and reviewing others’ work can be of interest to some people. You cannot find those mistakes which a person who loves to find other’s errors. Make sure to ask people from different fields of life to read your essay, maybe some teacher, friend, or even a younger sibling.

Ask each reader these questions:

  • Were the ideas clear?
  • Did they get the message which you wanted to convey?
  • Was the argument coherent?
  • Was the content interesting?

If you get a positive response to these questions, you can submit your document after you have satisfied yourself.

Informative Essay Examples

Here is an example of an informative essay provided by Western Technical College that will help you better understand how you need to tackle your academic paper.


Informative Essay Topics

Here are some topics for your assignment paper that can be effective, provide easy access to information, and be beneficial for your good grades.

  • How effective is online education?
  • Impacts of social media on society
  • Advantages of regular exercise
  • How to reduce anxiety?
  • What is the importance of recycling?

What Are the 7 Steps of an Essay?

These are the seven steps involved in completing a comprehensive academic paper for your educational purpose.

  1. Select the topic
  2. Do thorough research
  3. Outline the thoughts
  4. Write an Introduction to your paper
  5. Write center or body Paragraphs
  6. Write Conclusion
  7. proofread and Edit

Types of Informative Essays

There are 5 common types of informative essays:

  1. Compare & contrast
  2. Process
  3. Descriptive
  4. Cause & effect
  5. Problem & Solution

How to Write a Thesis for an Informative Essay

To craft a perfect thesis statement, you should add your argument statement as a hook to grab the attention of the readers. Your thesis will state to your readers what you are going to explain in your paper.


To wrap things up, writing an informative essay might seem an easy task, but when you dive into its depth and try to be a perfectionist, you will find its challenges. Maintaining coherence in your argument and avoiding common mistakes can be challenging tasks.

In this article, we have provided some exceptional tips to make your write-up paper perfect, and we have also added an example for your understanding. Common questions related to topics and steps of writing a winning assignment have also been answered.

If you are one of those who want perfection in every task but don’t have time to achieve that in your paper, we recommend you hire an expert essay writer who can write your document that resonates with your voice and tone.

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