8 Reasons Why Your Website Has a High Bounce Rate

1. Slow Loading

The visitors are moving quickly and don't have much time to spare. Additionally, when it comes to ranking, Google prioritizes site speed.

2. Misleading Title & Descriptions

The primary cause of pogo-sticking and short clicks is poor targeting, which is reflected in misleading title tags and meta descriptions.

3. Low-Quality Content

If you want to get clicks on your snippet, make sure the content of the page is up to match. When expectations aren't met, users feel misled.

4. Error 404

Provide something unexpected because no one enjoys seeing an error page. Include a humorous message and point visitors to important pages.

5. Bad Link from Another Site

You can find outdated or inappropriate inbound links by website crawling. ask the author to update or remove the reference in order to correct it.

6. The Page Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

Still not mobile-friendly? This year saw a peak in mobile distribution and consumption. Over 80% of all online time was spent on a mobile device.

7. Bad Form

Chances are you’ve started to fill in a web form and shortly abandoned the process. Everybody has. So, make forms short, relevant, and simple.

8. No CTA

If there isn't a call to action, the visitor will leave after reading. So make a clear link to the page where you offer your goods or services.