loss in conversions
decrease in customer satisfaction.
fewer page views
Network conditions of Internet service Provider
Location of Hosting Provider
Weight of the page
Other on site technical errors
There are a lot of factors that make your website speed so important. Let us discuss all those factors.
Bounce Rate is the percentage of visitors or users who leave a website after viewing only one page. Visitors are likely to close the window or click away if a page does not load within a few seconds.
Retaining users is integral to improving conversions. Slow sites have a negative impact on revenue, and fast sites have shown to improve conversion rates.
Google prioritizes getting relevant information to users as quickly as possible. So if your website loads quickly and provides high-quality, relevant content, then your probability of improving your search rankings goes up.
A consumer study by Ericsson shows that the stress responses to delays in mobile speed are similar to that of watching a horror movie or solving a mathematical problem.
CDN stands for Content Delivery Network. Their main purpose is to host and deliver copies of your website’s static content such as images, CSS, JS, and video streams quickly and efficiently, through data centers closest to the users.
It is highly important to use compressed images of the right dimensions so that your overall page size is manageable.
Caching essentially saves an HTML copy of the website for a specified time on the visitor’s device. The next time someone loads the website, the cache would load the HTML from device memory instead of getting the server to process it.
Minification increases your loading speeds as it decreases the amount of code that has to be requested from the server.
Compression decreases the size of various assets before sending them to your browser for interpretation. This is helpful because HTML and CSS use a lot of repeated content. The more patterns you have in your content the better it can be compressed.
Some specific JavaScript and CSS are sometimes conditional. This means that they are not required to display above-the-fold content. You can prevent them from becoming render-blocking by using sync and defer attributes.