Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

Inside look

10 questions that CHAT GPT cannot answer

1. As it is programmed not to save or store any personal details disclosed during chats, Chat GPT does not have access to any personal information about specific people.

2. It lacks access to  current databases, and its understanding is based on data as of September 2021.


3. It is not permitted to give medical, financial, or legal advice. Always seek the advice of qualified professionals in these situations.

4. Any questions about hacking, cracking, or getting passwords or sensitive information are not something Chat GPT can assist with.

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5. Future occurrences, such as changes in the stock market, lottery results, or any other events that have not yet happened, cannot be predicted by Chat GPT.

6. It is not permitted to take part in talks that encourage harm, violence, or unlawful activity.


7. To aid in avoiding security measures like CAPTCHAs is against AI usage regulations. Therefore, Chat GPT is unable to process such information.

8. It can not assist in producing content that violates copyright regulations or plagiarizes already published work.

9. Any requests that are unethical, immoral, or unlawful in nature will be rejected by Chat GPT .

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10. Its capacity to deliver pertinent and correct answers may be hampered by extremely drawn-out, repetitious, or ambiguous questions.