How to Test Your Website Speed

There is nothing more irritating than trying to access a website only to be met with pages and images that take a long time to load.

Best Website Speed Test Tools (and Website Speed Test for Mobile)

1. Google PageSpeed Insights

An effective tool for measuring website speed is Google PageSpeed Insights, which assigns your site a score between 0 and 100. The better your website performs, the higher the score.

2. Pingdom

The Pingdom page speed test rates your website's speed from 0 to 100, just like Google PageSpeed Insights, but this tool is reputed to be simpler to use and better for beginners.

3. GTMetrix

Another well-known, free online speed test that is great for beginners is GTMetrix. The test's publicly accessible version does a great job of dissecting performance while keeping things straightforward.

4. WebPageTest

WebPageTest is a free website speed testing tool developed by a Google Chrome engineer that provides more sophisticated data and insights than many other free tools.

5. Sematext

Sematext is a unique DevOps tool that combines all aspects of website monitoring.

6. Uptrends

Your Google PageSpeed score, load time, page size, essential web metrics, and requests are all displayed by Uptrends, along with recommendations for performance enhancements.