Everyone in the industry agrees that campaigns run by hand could result in higher returns on investment.
Long-tail terms often have less competition. Consequently, there is normally a lower cost per click. They can also be very profitable.
You may be able to expand the market for your items if you can identify the keywords that work best for your rivals.
Ad groups are created for your Amazon PPC campaign based on a list of products and keywords you wish to use for ad placement.
Although an easy start is guaranteed by a thoughtful keyword research approach and a solid marketing plan, optimization is a lengthy procedure.
It's vital to keep an eye out for keywords with a very high CTR but no conversions. When your target keyword brings in money, this is the scenario you want to be in.
Managing and improving a well-structured campaign is easier. Your campaign may require hours of crucial time if you don't plan it.
In an already-running Amazon PPC campaign, you should start with a higher bid price (about $0.75, though this can vary based on the category).