You can use a variety of symbols in your Google searches to focus on the specific results you want to see.
These symbols can be used for Google searches in addition to being used for writing speeches.
You can use the underscore to your advantage when doing keyword searches.
One small, elegant symbol that can be used to substitute any unknown wildcard term is the asterisk.
Google removes websites containing that information from the search results when you use the minus symbol before a word or website.
Google will search for the first word, the second word, or both when you divide words using the pipe operator.
Rather than doing a separate Google search for each number separately, this is an easy and quick way of finding multiple number results at once.
With this, The quantity of words that can appear in your search between two keywords can be limited.
The people who are most familiar with the field of digital marketing tend to use these advanced search operators.
Your search results will be limited to items that contain the exact query terms you enter within the page's text as a result.
when you use allintitle, Google will only display search results that include every query term you enter in the meta title.
Google only displays pages that contain every query term you include in the url when you add inurl: to your search.
Allinanchor: directs users to relevant pages that contain anchor text that contains every keyword.